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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
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Friday, 03. May 2024
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Iberia, Louisiana, USA

70560 Louisiana
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Telefon: (337) 364-1065

Dore' Selected as 2009 Commission President

The Port of Iberia Board of Commissioners recently elected Mark Dore’ as president for 2009.

Currently serving in his third term as a commissioner, Dore’ is one of two commissioners appointed by the City of New Iberia. In his 11 years with the board, this will be his third term serving as president.

The recent dramatic fluctuations in the price of crude oil are cause for concern, Dore’ said.

“We will have to make an extra effort to work with the port businesses to secure additional projects so that a potential decline in prices during 2009 will have less of an impact,” he said.

The new year also brings with it the start of initial work on the Acadiana Gulf of Mexico Access Channel. Modifications to existing bulkheads and relocating of pipelines are scheduled to begin later this year to accommodate the channel’s new 16-foot depth.

“I can’t wait until we start dredging,” Dore’ said. “The studies are all complete. We’ve committed out of pocket money to continue the process. A project of this magnitude creates some challenging obstacles. This year's biggest challenge will be to obtain funding for the project.”

Roy Pontiff, executive director of the Port of Iberia, said he looks forward to working with Dore’ in the coming year. He is hopeful that 2009 will see negotiations begin to expand the Port, allowing room for new tenants and more growth.

“Currently, all Port-owned property is leased,” Pontiff said. “We’re looking forward to expanding with a proposed 200-acre tract currently under consideration.”

Dore’, an account manager for BJ Services, has been married to Susan Bernard for 34 years, and they have two children and three grandchildren.

   Hits: 1270




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