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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen F arrow Fremantle, Australien   
Sunday, 05. May 2024
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Fremantle, Australien

WA 6959 Fremantle
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: 61 8 9430 3555

Fremantle Ports is a Western Australian Government trading enterprise responsible for strategic management of the Port of Fremantle.

The Port of Fremantle operates from two locations: the Inner Harbour at Fremantle and the Outer Harbour, south at Kwinana.

The Inner Harbour, designed by Irish-born engineer, C.Y. O'Connor and opened on 4 May 1897, is located at the mouth of the Swan River adjacent to the historic city of Fremantle. The Outer Harbour, 20 kilometres further south on the shores of Cockburn Sound was opened on 11 January 1955. Its deepwater bulk port facilities were developed to service the Kwinana industrial area, which expanded rapidly in the 1960s and '70s.

The Fremantle Inner Harbour provides modern deep-water facilities for handling container trade, break-bulk vessels, livestock exports and motor vehicle imports. It also accommodates cruise ships and visiting naval vessels.

The Kwinana Outer Harbour is one of Australia's major bulk cargo ports, handling grain, petroleum, liquefied petroleum gas, alumina, mineral sands, fertilisers, sulphur and other bulk commodities.

Fremantle Ports operates the Kwinana Bulk Jetty and Kwinana Bulk Terminal at Kwinana. Alcoa, BP and Co-operative Bulk Handling also operate cargo-handling facilities in the Outer Harbour.

The North Quay in Fremantle and the Kwinana Quay are linked by rail to the interstate and intrastate rail networks.

Of Australia's five major capital city ports, Fremantle is the closest to Singapore, which is just four and a half days' journey. It is also well positioned for trade with the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

Fremantle is very often a first and last port of call for shipping operating between Australia and overseas destinations, making Fremantle a strategic port for trans-shipment of cargoes as well as direct services.

   Hits: 1121




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